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Cold weather always bring upon the urge to bake. I was looking through one of my many cook books and ran across a recipe for Monster Cookies. I have never made them before and thought I would give it a whirl, knowing how good the cookies can be.

We are now swimming in Monster Cookies and cookie dough. The recipe called for a large bowl, large bowl was an understatement. I already have four dozen of the largest cookies in the world…And it hasn’t even made a dent in the bowl yet! YIKES!

It’s going to take an army to eat all these cookies! I love baking, but don’t want to be tied down to the oven ALL day, so I’m going to try freezing the rest of the dough in an empty ice cream bucket for a rainy day. (Or when I don’t feel like mixing over 6 lbs of ingredients together by hand!)

Did I mention this crazy recipe?! I should have known that when your recipe begins measuring ingredients by pounds that it’s going to make a ton of food. I found this recipe in the Bladen Quasi-centennial Cookbook. (Bladen is a small town in South-Central Nebraska, and they celebrated 125 years last summer.)

                              Monster Cookies

                12 eggs                       1 lb butter, no substitutions

                2 lbs. brown sugar      3 lbs. peanut butter

                4 c. white sugar          18 c. quick oats

                1 T. vanilla                   1 lb. chocolate chips

                1 T. syrup                    1 lb. M&Ms

                8 tsp. baking soda

          Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix in a large dishpan or huge bowl in the order given.: eggs, brown sugar, white sugar, vanilla, syrup, baking soda, butter, peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chips, and M&Ms. Drop by large spoon or ice cream scoop and flatten. Place 6 cookies per sheet. Bake for 12 minutes.

Happy Baking! xoxo

Alexandrea Nicole